
Speed | out of town


Please select one of these options:

  Speed limit
  81 - 85 km/h
  86 - 90 km/h
  91 - 95 km/h
  96 - 100 km/h
  101 - 105 km/h
  106 - 109 km/h
  110 - 114 km/h
  115 - 117 km/h
  118 - 119 km/h
  120 - 122 km/h
  123 - 124 km/h
  125 - 129 km/h
  130 - 139 km/h
  > 140 km/h

(TS = Tagessätze / Daily rates of income)

Please select one of these options:

  Speed limit
  81 - 85 km/h
  86 - 90 km/h
  91 - 95 km/h
  96 - 100 km/h
  101 - 105 km/h
  106 - 109 km/h
  110 - 114 km/h
  115 - 117 km/h
  118 - 119 km/h
  120 - 122 km/h
  123 - 124 km/h
  125 - 129 km/h
  130 - 139 km/h
  > 140 km/h

(TS = Tagessätze / Daily rates of income)

Fine | Calculator

The form below approximately calculates the daily rate of income (Tagessatz, TS) and the monetary penalty (Geldstrafe, GS), which is to be expected according to Swiss traffic law.
Please bear in mind, that the calculator only delivers a rough estimate. The calculation is based on a simplified version of the Confederation of Public Prosecutors' (Schweizerische Staatsanwälte-Konferenz SSK | CPS) recommendations (as of 2014).
With regard to spot fines please consult the federal disciplinary fine regulation (Bussenliste OBV).

Special expenses deduction
Further correction factors (e.g. Assets, real estate, outstanding debts, margin of subsistence, etc.) are not taken into account. For additional information please consult the Confederation of Public Prosecutors' recommendations.

The standard daily rate is rounded down (by steps of CHF 10.-) and capped at CHF 3'000.-
Calculation of the monetary penalty | Fine
If the judge grants conditional execution of the monetary penalty, usually an additional fine is imposed.
As a general rule, this fine amounts to 20-25% of the monetary penalty, however no less than CHF 300.-

Please enter only numbers.